
I'm a bit behind. I should have posted this four and a half years ago when I thought I was profound. That's when everything went down hill...

"What do you mean you don't blog?"

"I mean, I just don't."

"You just don't right now?"

"No, I never have."

"You never have?"

"Nope, never."

"Not even during your years of teenage angst?"

"I'm still in my years of teenage angst."

"But you've never done it before."


"But everyone has a blog."

"So I've figured."

"So now your just jumping on the bandwagon?"

"I guess so."

"Way to be an individual."

"No such thing. But I try."


"Man, you used to be cool."

"I know. Everything went down hill in Uni."

"Yeah, you learn about yourself and realize your not nearly as exciting as you once thought yourself to be."

"That's deep."

"Well, it's true isn't it?"

"True that you're never as exciting as you think you are."


"Don't know about the 'learning' part though."


"It's just a different part of your brain that's developing. Or ought to be anyways."

"Yeah, your brain ought to be developing."

"I mean, you gather more information, you learn to rationalize more specifically, morals change, you're separated from your childhood, you learn to empathize and tolerate, you learn how to make mistakes and decisions, you figure out what you want to do with your life... or are expected to anyways."


"I mean, most of it is just natural progression, right? Evolution of the self. Suddenly, you're 18 and an adult and have to start making your life your own. But..."


"But there's a problem."


"It's like, with evolution, our brains have become slower. To develope, I mean. We're 18, but we still think the same way we did when we were 15. Adolescence is fairly new, you know. It wasn't around even a hundred years ago. Once you hit puberty you were basically an adult. There wasn't a transition, you just were. Then, post-industrial revolution style, the institution stepped in to help train young people, namely for the war. So extra school or training was administered. The institution began to create a timeline for young people to procrastinate adulthood. But the main problem is that the timeline has just continued to grow. So now, instead of being grown up at 15, we don't grow up until we're like 26. 26! I should barely be in highschool, you know? And I'm expected to vote responsible, buy groceries, keep my house clean, have a car, hold down a job, get a degree, and some people even get married! I mean, I've got a friend my age who has kids. KIDS! I can barely keep my rabbit alive. But these are my expectations. I don't really know how I'm supposed to learn about myself. I'm too frickin' busy! And be an individual? Well, that's a whole other conversation!"





"It sucks that you caved and got a blog."


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